Symantec Security Alerts
Stay updated on the latest computer virus security alerts, advisories, and tools from Symantec.
You can also search the Symantec database.
Symantec Security Alerts
World-class analysis and protection from viruses, threats, security risks, and vulnerabilities.
Security Response:
- Top Threats - Stay updated on the latest severe threats.
- New Threats - Listed by threat level, name, and date of discovery.
- New Vulnerabilities - Security advisories listed by name and date.
- Spyware & Adware - Latest security risks and Symantec's approach to detecting and fighting these risks.
- Virus Definitions - Download virus definitions.
- Security Updates - Download security updates for Symantec products.
- Virus Removal Tools - Repair system infected by virus - tools listed chronologically and alphabetically.
- Threat Database - Search the Symantec database for viruses and risks.