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Free Tutorials

Expand your technical skills with online tutorials and stay competitive in the IT marketplace.

W3Schools - Online Web Tutorials

W3Schools provides all the tutorials you need to build a quality web site. The free tutorials include HTML, XHTML, CSS, TCP/IP, XML, XSL, XSLT,XSL-FO, XPath, XQuery, XLink, XPointer, DTD, Schema, XML DOM, XForms, SOAP, WSDL, RDF, RSS, WAP, Web Services, browser scripting (JavaScript, HTML DOM, DHTML, VBScript, AJAX, E4X, WMLScript), server scripting (SQL, ASP, ADO, PHP), multimedia (MEDIA, SMIL, SVG, Flash), and .NET (.NET Microsoft, .NET ASP, .NET Mobile). is a popular web site that provides free tutorials on computers, software, hardware, Internet, programming, and IT certifications.

Free Photoshop Tutorials

Do you want to learn about Photoshop? provides a large collection of free Photoshop tutorials for you to gain expertise in using Photoshop.

Sun Developer Network - Online Tutorials

The Sun Developer Network (SDN) provides free online tutorials for learning the Java technologies, including the fundamentals of the Java programming language, web services, and the J2EE platform.