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Programming Books

View a list of recommended computer programming books for IT professionals.

Not sure which programming book to purchase? Read the customer reviews to help you select the right book.

HTML: Your Visual Blueprint For Designing Web Pages with HTML, CSS, and XHTML - This book is a solid reference guide that employs straightforward examples to teach users how to create and design web pages. Key tasks in the book include setting up a web page, reducing image resolution, adding a hit counter, creating radio buttons, creating an inline frame, and adding imbedded sound.

Learning Perl - No introductory guide can cover all of Perl, but this book covers all you need to get seriously productive: scalar data, lists, arrays, subroutines, I/O, hashes, control structures, strings, sorting, and processes. It also contains exercises refined through live instruction to thousands of students; they’re truly worth your time. They’ll go a long way towards helping you achieve this book’s core goal: not just to teach you Perl but to transform you into a Perl programmer.

Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide - This reference guide targets veteran web authors who have already invested thousands of hours into learning HTML and writing web pages who are wondering why they need to learn a brand new language of style. This book supplies those dubious but curious web authors with the information they need to easily implement CSS on their web site.

Programming PHP - A simple yet powerful open source scripting language, PHP is used to create dynamic web content. It is used by both web designers who value its accessibility and convenience and programmers who appreciate its flexibility and speed. This book explains the programming techniques and language syntax in a clear and concise manner. It also includes style tips and programming advice to help you become a good PHP programmer.

Developing Feeds with RSS and Atom: Developer's Guide to Syndicating News and Blogs - Assuming familiarity with HTML, XML, and Perl, this programmer's guide explains how to create content feeds and services for syndicating news and blogs using RSS and Atom. It describes the elements and structure of RSS modules and the Atom syndication format. It also explains parsing, integrating feeds with publishing models, and developing new modules.